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发布日期:2013/10/30 13:41:03
General architecture of the model. All neurons are multicompartmental, with soma, branching dendrites, and a short branching axon. Thalamic portion of the network contains (a) 100 nucleus reticularis thalami (nRT) cells [each with low-threshold gCa, and lacking intrinsic gamma oscillatory properties (Contreras et al. 1993; Pinault and Deschênes 1992)], as well as (b) 100 “typical” thalamocortical relay (TCR) cells [i.e., also lacking intrinsic gamma oscillations (Steriade et al. 1993)]. Cortical portion contains the following cell types: (c) 500 layer 6 nontufted pyramidal neurons that connect intracortically, as well as to nRT and TCR neurons (the only model cortical cells to connect to the thalamus); (d) 100 deep fast-spiking (FS) basket interneurons, 100 deep axoaxonic interneurons, 100 deep low threshold spiking (LTS) dendrite-contacting interneurons; (e) 800 layer 5 tufted intrinsic bursting (IB) pyramidal neurons and 200 layer 5 tufted regular spiking (RS) pyramidal neurons; (f) 240 layer 4 spiny stellate cells, the major (but not only) recipients of thalamic inputs; (g) 1,000 layer 2/3 RS pyramidal cells and 50 layer 2/3 fast rhythmic bursting (FRB) pyramidal cells; (h) 90 superficial basket interneurons, 90 superficial axoaxonic interneurons, and 90 LTS interneurons.
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