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发布日期:2013/10/13 9:29:40
The LA pyramidal cell model had two compartments representing a soma (diameter of 15 μm; length of 15 μm) and a dominant apical dendrite (diameter of 5 μm; length of 400 μm) (Faber et al. 2001; Washburn and Moises 1992b). Both compartments had a leakage current (IL), a spike-generating sodium current (INa), a potassium delayed rectifier (IDR), and a high-voltage activated Ca2+ current (ICa). Three calcium-activated potassium currents exist in LA principal neurons: fast BK Ca2+- and voltage-dependent C-type current (IC), apamin-sensitive, small-conductance (SK) current (IAHP), and a slow apamin-insensitive, voltage-independent afterhyperpolarization current (IsAHP), contributing to fast, medium, and slow AHP, respectively (Faber and Sah 2002).
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